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7 things you should do to help fall asleep easier and more comfortable

 [7 things you should do to help fall] asleep easier and more comfortable

[7 things you should do to help fall] asleep easier and more comfortable

Anyone who has difficulty falling asleep Because the head and brain are full of things to think or worry Try doing these activities as a routine. In order to clear the brain And then try to observe that it is easier to sleep or not

7 things you should do to help " fall asleep " easier and more comfortable.

1 Listen to soothing music

Listening to music or music is the easiest and fastest way to distract us from our concerns. Just set up a playlist of your favorite songs and listen to them before bed. To free the brain from other matters Only music And only the sweet melodies of our favorite songs are in our minds.

2 Practice meditation

Meditation has changed the life of many people. Because when the mind is calm Will not be distracted Keep thinking about all these things Until causing insomnia Which now has a wide variety of meditation applications You can also start by opening up a YouTube with a guided meditation tutorial. In order to train one's mindfulness to stay in the present 

3 Read a book

Reading one of the best ways to Relax Research has shown that spending just a few minutes reading a book can reduce stress levels by more than two-thirds, while writing is another activity that helps us to vent what's on our mind.

4 Watch a funny movie

Laughter can help us overcome stress. Just watch a funny movie, or maybe just watch your favorite artist's microphone solo before going to bed. To give myself some laughs Will help clear the brain Clear up

5 See the stars in the sky

To look at the stars twinkling in the sky In the midst of a calming atmosphere It is a relaxing activity that helps us feel that various problems That are being faced can become smaller Not different from a small star That we can see in the sky

6 Cycling

The problems piled in our minds will gradually subside when we ride a bicycle. In addition to being a useful exercise. It is also a sweaty activity that makes us feel tired. When the head reaches the pillow, it makes it easier to fall asleep.

7 Relaxing massage

Massage is an activity that does not just relax the body. Feel comfortable, only comfortable body But also to relieve stress without knowing Even if it is a massage that smells aromatherapy in the room makes you feel more relaxed Even so, some people fall asleep while having a massage.

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