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7 ways to reduce the harm to your health from workaholic

 7 ways to reduce the harm to your health, from workaholic

7 ways to reduce the harm to your health, from workaholic

Current lifestyle All of them have a goal for progress in their work. Income is enough to cover expenses Because this is an indicator of success in life.

With high competition And as a system "Weak, lost", so many people struggle to work for themselves to survive. Working hard until you become a workaholic without knowing it. And as a result, forgetfulness, health care, and forgot to think that you might die before you spend your money. Tonkit360 has compiled 7 ways to take care of your workaholic health to leave together.

  1. Get enough rest

Sleep is the best recovery medication. Don't even have to work all night until you can't sleep. Because a little rest in addition to wasting your health Also makes the work efficiency lower And may become insomnia Should set bedtime as a time. And rest for at least 5 hours is still good, important when it comes time to sleep, it must stop thinking about work as well. To get quality sleep

  1. Move the body often

As you know, sitting in front of the computer for a long time Cause office syndrome symptoms And may adversely affect your health in the long run Because some people did not get up at all Sitting in place for a long time Should take a break from work and get up and move the body every hour in order to improve blood circulation, not aching, should not sit next to a long Just walk to the bathroom Go out to eat during the break Get up and flick your arms, flick your legs easily in front of the computer, it helps a lot.

  1. Eat on time

Breakfast is important, but many people refuse it. Moreover, some people still work in the long haul. It's time to eat, don't eat Resulting in the body working spontaneously Broken digestive system Stomach upset, causing nausea, vomiting, gastritis, and some cases may be fatigued, even fainting. To provide the body with enough energy throughout the day. Therefore have to eat food on time If you're not very hungry, you can break it down into smaller meals instead, and don't put food on your computer. In order to get up and walk, 7 ways to reduce the harm to your health from workaholic

  1. Do some exercise

Everyone knows that exercise keeps the body healthy. And reduce the risk of developing various diseases Because exercise helps the body get better oxygen and deliver it to the body more. Help balance the body The heart pumps blood well. And increase energy Besides physical health It also has a positive effect on mental health. When the body is rejuvenated We were so cheerful And have better concentration on work

  1. Relieve stress

Do not let yourself accumulate stress. Because people normally have some stressful moments without knowing it. Therefore, if you realize that you are stressed Should find a way to release some stress, find fun movies, watch music that you love Read funny books That do not require some material Because during the time we laugh The body secretes happiness hormones. Help relieve stress. And laughing also exercises the muscles of the face Can also let the face look younger

  1. Drink a lot of water

 Plain water is the best. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to help support normal body functions. Balance the body temperature, nourish the skin, help the digestive system work better. Refreshing body And prevent exhaustion It also makes you want to go to the bathroom often. To get up and walk around But should use the method of sipping frequently throughout the day instead of drinking all day So that the body will be able to get water at all times. 7 ways to reduce the harm to your health from workaholic

  1. Eat healthy

The lobster food is the main choice. That a salaryman often chooses to have a meal in a hurry Or put it next to the computer because it's easy to eat, finish quickly, can continue to work. Do not forget that these foods are high in energy. But not beneficial to the body at all Even if you sit and work all day The more the risk of causing obesity The digestive system also worsens constipation, which can affect long-term health, so choose fruits and vegetables instead. And must not forget to eat the main meal as well

7 ways to reduce the harm to your health from workaholic

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