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Dangers of eat and sleep behavior


Dangers of eat and sleep behavior 

Usually, the human Digestive process begins to digest Food the mouth, Digesting carbohydrates into sugars. (Digested by saliva) protein will be digested in the stomach. Then some of the digested food is delivered to the small intestine. Which will digest both carbohydrates (In the form of sugar) digesting protein and digesting fat, nutrients will be absorbed in the small intestine. (The digestive process ends in the small intestine), the food residue is sent to the large intestine and the remaining nutrients are absorbed from the small intestine.

Dangers of eat and sleep behavior 

It takes about a few hours for the body to finish digestion and the digestive system works well when you are in a sitting or standing position Because every organ in the system is erect in body Which will digest food from top to bottom But whenever we finish eating and sleeping during the digestive system is still working endlessly. Instead, the organs are horizontal on the body. Resulting in various problems, As a result, it may be more dangerous than we thought. Tonkit360 will warn that what is the danger

1.     Indigestion, flatulence

The behavior of eating and sleeping. immediately makes the digestive. system work inefficient. Because the Digestive system takes Time to digest each type  Food Differently When food is not fully digested, there will be residues. Piled up and then react to the gas in the stomach. Causes colic, distension, flatulence, when there is flatulence, it will make us sleep uncomfortable. Which can interfere with sleep efficiency

2.     Acid reflux

When we eat food The body releases gastric juice to digest the food we just ate. Let's imagine how the body normally digests food from top to bottom. But if we finished eating, then lay down Instead, the organs are horizontal, so the secretion of gastric juice flows back up around the esophagus. In some cases, it may return to the neck area. Irritation Because gastric juice is acidic Until causing a burning sensation in the middle of the chest Colic, tight stomach, bitter in the throat, bad breath. Which the acid flow that this is if it is already Yes that is easy to maintain Thus affecting daily life Plus there is a chance of developing esophageal cancer or stroke.

3.     Insomnia

It is a symptom of bloating or digestive disorders. When we feel stomach upset, indigestion or heartburn. It will inevitably cause abdominal discomfort, discomfort, therefore, it interferes with sleep, awakens and awakens, which makes us unable to sleep well or have insomnia. Resulting in us not getting enough rest Every system in the body will work in a turbulent manner. When that happens, other dangers will occur. From little sleep

4.     Risk of stroke or esophageal cancer.

Cerebrovascular disease It is a risk condition that results from chronic GERD and indigestion. This is because the digestive process has a direct effect on blood pressure, sugar, and blood cholesterol levels. When the digestive system does not work as it should. There will be problems with nutrient absorption. And affect blood pressure and the treatment of glucose and cholesterol Affect the circulatory system

When the circulatory system has problems Making it harder for the blood to transport nutrients and oxygen throughout the body Cerebrovascular disease or hypoxia may occur. Lack of breath, palpitations, sleep apnea. Which is a warning sign of a stroke

The cancer of the esophagus is at risk as a result of acid reflux disease. If there is a chronic symptom of gastric juice flowing back into the esophagus. Chronic irritation and inflammation If you leave it for a long time It is likely that it will become esophageal cancer. 

Dangers of eat and sleep behavior 

5.     Obesity

As we all know, obesity is caused by our intake of more energy from food that our body needs At the same time there was a lack of exercise. When the body does not use the energy it has Energy will accumulate into fat. Especially people who like to eat foods that are high in energy. The body will store more fat. Which eating and sleeping make the body almost unable to move Energy consumed is therefore not consumed. Thus making it fat. It is also at risk for metabolic obesity.

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