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Know child libido and how to watch out for children from patients


Know child libido and how to watch out for children from patients

Sexual harassment is a very serious social concern. Not only a problem in Thailand Because world-famous people have also been reported in the same story. It is also a concrete problem that has not been resolved. And more shocking than the problem of rape of women Is the victim of a few years old Some of them are children who have not yet entered their adolescence.

But many people may not understand that this phenomenon is not natural. For someone to be sexually aroused with a small child, it is not a taste like a younger person. But it is a mental disorder. Socially dangerous psychological symptoms And those who are sick need treatment

Know what is "child libido"

Pedophilia is bizarre behavior, a mental disorder. Is it a personality disability since childhood It arises from children growing up in inappropriate environments? Problematic parenting Children may be exposed to violence from a young age, such as rape. Persecuted It also includes being forced to stay in the frame until the pressure. Causing children to grow up to have personality disorders from common children of the same age

But when the child grows up With an abnormal state of mind (Or, as we are familiar with, knot) makes the person feel the need to make up for something that was missing in childhood. Or various feelings of suffering that had been experienced when entering adulthood Grow enough not to be in the position of inferior Or the victim anymore Therefore became the one doing it himself

Pedophilia (  pedophilia ) is derived from the Greek word Pedos or Pidos which means "child" and Philia means "like or love". Therefore means to like or love the child Which love here is not a kind love Or good wishes for something like that But it's love that goes beyond the limits Love like crazy Want the child to be his own Leading to bringing children to be victims of their own sexual libido

Generally, pedophile patients are males who are around the age of 35-40 years old, most of them are married or have children. (Some people use their own children as victims) can also find female patients, but less. We may have seen the news of female adults sexually assaulting boys. However, male pedophiles did not abuse only girls. Because they can offend boys too.

Know child libido and how to watch out for children from patients

Often the perpetrator was someone close to the child. Because when a child is trusted Stay close together Which makes the cause of the desire to vent their libido on the child Importantly, patients with this disease are quite difficult to notice external symptoms. Because they often do not show clear behavior Outwardly, they would look like normal people. But may have a look that is prudent, strict, excited

“Chok Dek” and “Love of Children” are not the same.

Symptoms of pedophilia Is a mental disorder Therefore, the behavior shown is not a kind of compassionate love. But the desire to have sex with children who are much younger than themselves And must be a child under the age of majority The average is about 12-13 years, that is, children who have not yet entered adolescence. Or the original teenager But there is also that the victim is a very young child, not fully grown. Such as elementary school children, kindergarten children, and infants. However, the sexual desires of patients are relatively passive with people of similar age. Or a fully grown person Know child libido and how to watch 

The symptoms of the patient will begin to have sexual arousal when seeing the child. It starts with tenderness But after that, I will try to get closer to the child. That way, befriend, entice, reward, snack, or give money to trust. Until finally satisfying their own sexual desires Children are generally molested, hugged, kissed, caressed, forced, or caught naked. To having sex

But after being able to satisfy their own libido Some patients do not stop there. But may injure the victim until his injury Threatened to keep secret Some people have to endure being victims for a long time from children to adolescents. Which is more than likely known to be pregnant Because children enter reproductive age And some victims were killed

Lusting a child is a disease that must Treated

Symptoms of this pediatric syndrome will begin to show symptoms since the patient reaches puberty. And will last a lifetime Without treatment, the symptoms will be more severe. In the end, it is the one who commits a crime that is harmful to society They are often referred to as lust, bizarre lust, or pedophile. But most people do not see it as a disease that requires treatment. May be viewed as a psychopath But did not bother that the patient had to see a doctor Just look at it as just a symptom of lust for people who have a momentary sexual desire due to the impulsivity of children

Know child libido and how to watch 

The treatment of pedophilia focuses on helping patients control and suppress their sexual desires. In which patients must see and receive treatment from a skilled psychiatrist, the doctor must first assess the patient's symptoms and how to begin treatment. And then adjust the patient's behavior They may also need to prescribe drugs to reduce sexual feelings or antidepressants.

How to be careful with your child

The first is to teach children honestly, to be careful. Which children may not understand what adults are teaching But have to let the child know that if someone will be arrested Must try to get away Try not to be alone with heterosexual adults. (Even the same sex must be careful as well)

However, it was not the only stranger that children had to be wary of. But children must be careful with people nearby. Whether it's a neighbor, a relative, or even a real father, sometimes I can't be trusted. They should also teach children what behaviors are considered sexual harassment, which is excessive exposure. Correct the body, kiss the cheek, hug, kiss, pet, or ask to see a child naked. If encountering something like this, have the child say no And teaches how to stay away as possible

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