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Tips for white teeth that you can do by yourself

Teeth are considered as one of the components of a good personality. Because when they smile, everyone wants to have beautiful white teeth. But by eating And many drinks Resulting in yellowing of teeth So some people may lack confidence at all, so Hello has a few tips that you can do by yourself.

What are the causes of yellow teeth?

Yellow teeth are caused by a variety of factors such as eating certain foods. That can result in tooth enamel Which is the outermost layer of the tooth corroded Until exposing the dentin underneath Which is naturally yellow bone tissue In addition, the buildup of plaque on the teeth is another reason why teeth can turn yellow. The discoloration from yellow teeth to white teeth. Usually treated with regular cleaning and using teeth whitening methods to help.

How to whiten your teeth by yourself

If you want to be someone who has a smile And reveal clean white teeth You can try these methods for yourself.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide (Hydrogen Peroxide)

Using toothpaste that contains baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. May help reduce yellow teeth on the teeth. In addition, mixing 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and brushing your teeth can be done as well. A 2012 study found that using toothpaste containing baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Help reduce dental plaque and improve teeth whiteness.

Swish the mouth with oil and spit it out (Oil Pulling).

Oil pulling is a traditional Indian traditional remedy. Which aims to improve oral hygiene And eliminates toxins from the body It also helps to get rid of bacteria, which can turn into tartar and make teeth yellow. Indians usually use sunflower oil or sesame oil to gargle. But nowadays, coconut oil is considered to be another popular alternative. Because it tastes great and provides numerous health benefits.

How to gargle with oil This can be done by pouring 1 tablespoon of coconut oil into your mouth. Then try to rinse the oil through your teeth. It takes about 15-20 minutes to rinse. Then the process is finished. By the way, it can be done every day. This is because coconut oil does not expose your teeth to acids or other ingredients. That corrodes your tooth enamel

Vitamin c

A 2007 study found that vitamin C deficiency. May cause inflammation of the peritonitis As a result, the bacteria accumulation in teeth and gums increases. In addition, the consumption of vitamin C in large quantities. It May help reduce tooth discoloration However, there is a need to add that Does vitamin C consumption affect teeth discoloration?

Apple Cider Vinegar

Fresh apple cider vinegar is used to disinfect and as a natural cleaning product. That has been used for centuries Which acetic acid (Acetic Acid), which is the main active ingredient in fresh apple cider vinegar Has antibacterial properties It also helps clean your mouth and whiten your teeth as well. But because acetic acid has the potential to erode tooth enamel. Therefore, you should not use fresh apple cider vinegar every day. But if you want to use it as a mouthwash You will need to dilute it with water first. Then rinse all over the mouth Then rinse your mouth with plain water. Until you make sure that your mouth is clean

Fruit Enzymes

If toothpaste contains fruit enzymes This will help remove any yellow stains that build up on your teeth. A 2012 study found that toothpaste containing papain enzyme (papain) from papaya and the enzyme bromelain from pineapple can help remove dental plaque.

Stop smoking

Smoking is not good for your health. It also causes brown stains that can penetrate into the teeth and enamel. The stains on the teeth cannot be removed with a single brush. The longer you smoke The more stains are, the more it is, smoking also causes bad breath and inflamed gums. It is also at risk of getting cancer as well.

Teeth whitening kit

Teeth whitening kit can be purchased and made at home. It consists of Carbamide Peroxide, a bleaching agent that can remove deep stains and turn your teeth into a natural color. If you have coffee-stained teeth, this teeth whitening kit can help.

Teeth whitening strips

Teeth whitening strips can help remove stains from teeth. It is also easy to use. The whitening strips are so thin that they are almost invisible. And it even has a teeth whitening gel attached to it. How to use, just put the whitening strips on the teeth. And left for only a few minutes By doing this every day for a week or so. After that, the results will be visible. The whiteness that occurs on the teeth can last for at least 1 year.

In addition to removing yellow stains by yourself at home. Removing yellow stains and leaving your teeth white can be done with a visit to the dentist. The recommended time to visit a dentist is to see every six months, seeing a dentist to remove yellow stains from teeth. You will also have a dental checkup. In order to prevent oral health problems that will follow immediately as well

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