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Osteoarthritis with food that patients should eat should avoid To improve symptoms

 [Osteoarthritis with food that patients] should eat should avoid To improve symptoms

Osteoarthritis with food that patients should eat should avoid To improve symptoms

Disease, osteoarthritis (Knee Osteoarthritis) is a chronic disease that is more common in middle age. And the elderly This disease is caused by the friction of the bones under the surface of the knee. Or worn knee skin Until resulting in the patient having knee pain Cannot walk normally Deformed knee joint Not easy to use in daily life And may cause disability as well Arthritis Treatment In addition to drug use Proper control of body weight, exercise to strengthen the muscles of the thighs. And changed the sitting position Dietary modifications are equally important. Diet for osteoarthritis What should the patient eat and should avoid making the knee stronger? Hello, the doctor will take you to see.

Diet for osteoarthritis

Foods that should be eaten

Cow's milk and dairy products

Cow's milk and dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, are good sources of calcium and vitamin D. This is a nutrient that helps strengthen bones In addition, cow's milk and cow's milk products contain protein that helps build muscles. When the bones and muscles around the knee joint are strong Osteoarthritis symptoms will be reduced. But for those who need to control their weight, it is advisable to choose cow's milk and low-fat dairy products. Is better for weight control

Green leafy vegetables

Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and turnips are rich in vitamin D. This helps in the absorption of calcium and stimulates the function of the immune system. Make the body fight infections better in addition to green vegetables contain phytochemicals. (Phytochemical) and antioxidants. That help reduce oxidative stress Which is a condition that negatively affects arthritis


In broccoli, there is a compound called sulforaphane that experts believe can slow down the development of osteoarthritis. Broccoli is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and calcium, which helps strengthen bones and joints.

Olive oil

One study indicated that A compound in olive oil called oleocanthal helps prevent inflammation. Therefore very good for osteoarthritis patients

Green tea

Polyphenols (Polyphenols) called Catechins, which are phytochemicals in tea have antioxidant properties. That experts say may help reduce inflammation And help slow down the deterioration of cartilage

High-fat fish

Fatty fish such as sardines, salmon, and tuna are rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. And one of the benefits of omega-3 is that it helps fight inflammation. Which has a beneficial effect on osteoarthritis Experts recommend that osteoarthritis patients eat these high-fat fish at least once a week.

If anyone is inconvenient to eat foods for osteoarthritis such as high-fat fish. Instead, supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oil, flaxseed oil, can be consumed.

Foods to avoid

High-sodium diet

Consuming high-sodium foods such as seasonings (e.g. salt, monosodium glutamate, shrimp paste), dried foods (such as dried fish, dried shrimp, sun-dried pork), pickled foods (such as pickled cabbage, fermented fish), snack food will keep the juice in the cells. Until edema occurs It also causes inflammation. Which can result in joint damage

Fried food

Fried foods or foods high in saturated fat, such as donuts, french fries, fried chicken, can increase the inflammation of the body. The symptoms of osteoarthritis can worsen. Moreover, fried oils can also cause chemical reactions and increase cholesterol levels in the body. Which negatively affects osteoarthritis as well


Sugars, including high-sugar carbohydrates such as cakes, cookies, and pastries, can affect the immune system. Cause abnormal immune system In which one study indicated that These changes can make the body even more inflamed. And made the knee that was already weak even weaker

If you want to add sweetness to food and beverages We recommend using natural sweeteners such as maple syrup, honey, instead of white sugar. And synthetic sweeteners such as Aspartame, but should only add a little sweetness to your food. Because if too much can have a negative effect on health as well.

Omega 6 fatty acids

Although omega 6 fatty acids (Omega 6) are good for health, but the Faculty of Medicine. Harvard University (Harvard Medical School) recommends that people with osteoarthritis should limit their intake of foods containing omega-6 fatty acids, such as egg yolks, red meat, as this can worsen the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Down

Alcoholic beverages

Most experts believe Alcoholic beverages Especially beer Can aggravate the symptoms of osteoarthritis Because these drinks are high in purines, when purines decompose, they become uric acid (Uric Acid), which is extremely bad for osteoarthritis.

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