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Exercise, each hygiene can risk illness

 Exercise, each hygiene can risk illness

Exercise, each hygiene can risk illness

Although exercise is good and useful. But if you do not put good health instead of health for the good of the exercise, it could jeopardize the sick because of the germs, especially those who like to exercise on fitness, which resulted in the following survey to suggest that. What exercise-related behaviors are unhygienic and should be adjusted urgently?

A survey by Tap Warehouse found that 23% of people exercising were left empty for more than an hour to take a bath and rinse, putting their bodies at risk of mold, with 17% of women saying they had given up to three hours after exercise. Body to go to the bath, compared with only 11% of men, which in fact Take a shower within an hour after exercising. And should not sleep while not taking a bath

Fungi and bacteria can be spread in sweaty clothing. 44% of gym exercisers wear the same clothes to the gym more than once, where the clothing becomes a reservoir and cultivates bacteria. Including lockers, shared publicly in fitness too.

The survey results also provide other information. Additionally, only 19% of gym equipment is always clean and 46% have never cleaned their gym equipment. Of course, those exercise equipment will be covered with bacteria. And increase in number or spread even more if many people use the device  Exercise, each hygiene can risk illness

In addition, 53% of the people who exercise at the gym also said that they never wash their own bags of clothes. They are a great breeding ground for mold and bacteria because they are used to cope with everyday clothes that are wet with sweat.

If it is inconvenient to wash it frequently Also, do not place them in areas prone to further exposure to germs, such as dining tables and beds, and be sure to wash your hands every time you come into contact with exercise equipment.

It is important to keep in mind that Exercising, despite being strong, is still vulnerable to infection, so take a shower after exercise without leaving a distance for more than an hour. Clean the exercise equipment. Wash your hands every time Always wash your workout clothes and don't wear them again. Clean your backpack often. To avoid contact with bacteria and reduce the risk of getting sick unnecessarily.

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