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American researchers pointed out. "Social media" makes people "depressed"

 American researchers pointed out. "Social media" makes people "depressed"

American researchers pointed out. "Social media" makes people "depressed"

A team of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, led by psychologist Melissa Hunt, designed research focused on the use of social media such as Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram, to study how these social media uses are. How does it affect people's mental health?

Results of the study were published in the November issue of the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology.

There were 143 participants in the study, prior to the start of the study. All volunteers must first respond to an emotional poll and submit a mobile phone screenshot showing the frequency and duration of their mobile phone usage to view social media.

This research identified the participants into two groups. The first group was able to use social media normally without behavioral adjustments. The control group could use social media only 10 minutes a day per each media.

Controlling the duration of this social media use was three weeks in a row and the study participants of the control group tested the findings. It measures feelings such as fear of missing something or FOMO, anxiety, depression, and loneliness.

These findings point to a clear association between social media use and increases in depression and loneliness levels.

His use of social media is less common than usual. Clearly reduced depression and loneliness Less psychological benefits from using social media It was more noticeable in people who were more depressed than others at the beginning of the research and asked what caused social media depression to users.

There are two main factors, said Hunt, the lead researcher. First, social media creates a negative sense of self-relative, for example, people feel when they look at pictures and read other people's posts. Others are more attractive than themselves. More fun and felt that he himself has no chance of that Causing a feeling of humiliation

The second important factor is the waste of time, as every minute spent on social media causes users not to work as they should or miss out on dinner out with friends or chat with friends. Joining dormitories and researchers point out that these real-life activities stimulate feelings of goodness and self-worth.

Hunt pointed out that the research has many limitations, first of all, in a particular group of people aged 18-22, and it is not clear what the effects of social media on depression have. Is the effect on people who are older or younger? But the researchers expected the results of the study to be able to summarize people up to 30

And now, the researcher Hunt said the team is beginning a study that measures the psychological impact of different applications. Used in dating

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