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"Kiwi" with benefits for pregnant mothers Good both during pregnancy and after delivery.

 "Kiwi" with benefits for pregnant mothers Good both during pregnancy and after delivery.

"Kiwi" with benefits for pregnant mothers Good both during pregnancy and after delivery.

Pregnancy is the time when the mother has to take care of herself a lot. Especially in the matter of food, There are a number of foods that should be restricted during pregnancy, such as seafood, caffeine (Caffeine), as the mother's intake will affect the baby in her stomach. Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for the body. There are many fruits that a pregnant mother should eat, especially kiwis. 

 "Kiwi" with benefits for pregnant mothers

Hello, the doctor will invite you to meet the Benefits of kiwi for pregnant mothers Let's find out how kiwi is good for mom and baby.

Benefits of kiwi for pregnant mothers

Kiwi is a fruit that is rich in vitamin C and vitamin K. It is also rich in folate that contributes to brain development. Cognitive ability And fetal development processes That pregnant mothers eat kiwis. It helps to benefit both during pregnancy and after delivery. It may also help prevent the occurrence of neural tube defects, which are birth defects of the central nervous system and spinal cord. In addition, eating kiwis while pregnant has many other benefits:

Help indigestion

Kiwi is a fruit that has a lot of fiber. Which contributes to the digestive system Helps to excrete fluently Which can help prevent constipation, flatulence, and reduce abdominal pain.

Help manage blood sugar levels

Kiwi is a low glycemic index (GI) fruit. 100 grams of kiwis contain only 5 grams of glucose, making kiwis ideal for pregnant mothers with diabetes. While pregnant

Boost the immune system

During pregnancy, some mothers' bodies become weaker and more susceptible to infection. Eating kiwis is rich in vitamin C, thus helping to increase the function of the immune system. The vitamin C in kiwis increases the strength of the immune cells. Makes the body have a stronger immune system In addition, vitamin C can also help reduce fatigue caused by pregnancy.

Stimulate neurotransmitters

Vitamin C in Kiwi Contributes to enhancing media substances that contribute to brain function. Therefore, if the mother eats kiwis, it will help the unborn child get this nutrient as well. Which can help develop your baby's brain since the pregnancy ever

Help heal wounds and strengthen bones

Vitamin K in kiwi helps normal blood clotting. After delivery, the wounds from labor heal better. In addition, the vitamin K contained in kiwis also contributes to bone development.

Prevent anemia

When pregnant Your mother's body is easily weakened. Because some minerals must be shared with the unborn child Especially iron It is a mineral that the fetus is very demanding. Thus making mothers at risk of anemia Which vitamin C contributes to better absorption and binding of iron

Side effects of eating kiwis while pregnant should be aware of.

Few people develop kiwi allergies after eating them. But for those with an allergy to latex, pollen, avocado, or chestnut, it can also cause a kiwi allergy. If eating kiwis and itching in the mouth and throat There is an itchy rash or inflammation. Abdominal pain or vomiting, if any of these symptoms should be stopped immediately.

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