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Can "stress" really cause "hair loss" or just think by yourself?

 Can "stress" really cause "hair loss" or just think by yourself?

Changes in hair Whether it is thickness, thinness or shedding Often change with age Which factors to change Besides age, there are other factors such as stress, anxiety, Hello. The doctor will invite everyone to find out. How does stress cause hair loss?

What can be caused by "hair loss"?

Hair loss is a normal condition that can happen to anyone. Usually, on average a day, people will experience 100 hair loss per day, but the number of hair loss will be more or less. It depends on the following factors

  • age

After you are 30 years or older, you are likely to experience hair loss in both men and women. But most often the symptoms of hair loss in men.

  • Age of the hair

On average, a human hair is about 4 years and 6 months old. When the hair reaches maturity, it will naturally fall off. And come up again within 6 months

  • Hairstyling

Hairstyling Not just about styling But also the use of shampoo, combing and the use of various hair oils Which all of these activities can cause hair loss symptoms

  • Genetic hair loss

Hair loss caused by heredity If you have genetic baldness It doesn't mean it will shed more of your hair than others. But your hair growth rate is less and slower than usual. Can cause thinning or bald hair Which hair loss caused by that inheritance Each person will have different hair loss depending on age, gender, and hormones.

How can stress cause hair loss?

That stress can cause hair loss. The types of hair loss caused by stress levels can be categorized as follows.

  • Telogen effluvium

Telogen effluvium is alopecia caused by stress. When it is very stressful Will make the hair roots go into a resting phase When washing your hair or combing your hair, it will make your hair fall more easily.

  • Trichotillomania

Trichotillomania is a condition of hair loss caused by responses to negative emotions or tension. It makes you feel like pulling your hair. Because hair pulling is the body's response to uneasiness or a negative feeling, such as stress, boredom, irritability, or feeling lonely.

  • Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is hair loss caused by severe stress. Causing the immune system to attack hair follicles causing hair loss

You can see that stress is one of the leading causes of hair loss. But it is not a permanent symptom. If you can manage stress Or control the stress that occurs Your hair will grow back and grow stronger. But if you notice your own hair loss symptoms Fall in patches Or have more symptoms than usual when combing or washing your hair Should consult with your doctor about any symptoms that occur. Because unusual hair loss can be a warning sign of some problems.

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