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Granola Benefits and Precautions You Should Know Before Taking

Granola Benefits and Precautions You Should Know Before Taking

Your readers do you like Granola is a breakfast in the morning rush. Or buy some granola to eat as a snack? Today Hello, Doctor has good information about granola. Let's see if eating a lot of granola is good for your health or how it will affect your health.

What is granola

Granola is a food that may be called. "Cereal cereals" or may be viewed as a snack as well. Granola is made up of whole grains such as oats, nuts, puffed rice, dried fruits, and honey-sweetened ingredients. Or syrup Mix together Sometimes you may find granola sticks that you can unwrap and eat. Or the form of cereal that is eaten with milk for breakfast

Nutrients obtained from granola

Eating approximately 1⁄2 cup (approximately 29 grams) of granola (Clean or Classic Granola) provides the following important nutrients:

Energy 140 calories

9 g fat

85 mg sodium

14 grams carbohydrates

3 grams fiber

4 g sugar

3 grams protein

In addition to the main nutrients, Granola also provides a number of essential nutrients. This micronutrient depends on the ingredients in granola. Whether it is dried fruit, nuts, or different grains Different ingredients May provide micronutrients Antioxidants, vitamin E, folate, phosphorus, magnesium, iron.

Granola benefits

Fuller longer

Granola provides both protein and fiber. Which are two essential nutrients for the body Getting adequate and proper amounts of protein and fiber Will to help you feel full faster and fuller longer This is good for people who want to lose weight because when they are full longer The appetite for the next meal will be less, preventing calories from being overloaded. Granola Benefits and Precautions You

Contribute to lowering blood pressure

Eating foods high in fiber Studies have shown that it can help lower blood pressure because granola contains many healthy grains, including nuts, oats, flax seeds, and dried fruits, which these ingredients provide healthy fiber.

Give energy to the body

Granola is a diet with optimum levels of carbohydrates and protein. And is also a carbohydrate that is easy to eat Unwrap and eat. Outdoor activists such as mountain climbers and hikers tend to have granola as a great source of energy to help them stay energetic. Granola Benefits and Precautions You

Good for the intestines

The results of the study showed that Granola is good for intestinal health. This is because it contains both fiber and carbohydrates that help increase the number of good bacteria in the gut. When these bacteria are more The digestion and absorption of food in the intestines can be improved as well.

Provides antioxidants

Even as a snack, it is also a good source of antioxidants. This is because it contains a variety of whole grains that provide important antioxidants such as gallic acid, quercetin, selenium and vitamin E.

How to eat granola for good health

Even granola provides a variety of nutrients But it may not always be good for your health. If we choose granola without reading the label first. Because the granola sold in the market Even providing healthy ingredients But it is possible to be high in calories Because some brands may contain sweeteners such as sugar Or artificial sugar That would make that wrapped granola too high in sugar.

Therefore, when shopping for granola, always read the nutrition label first, and choose brands that offer fiber and protein. They should have at least 3-5 grams of fiber, and if possible, choose to eat natural homemade granola recipe or, if appropriate, make your own granola. Because you can choose ingredients that are healthy and meet real needs

When choosing a brand of clean granola or choose to make it yourself Now, when eating In order to be more healthy Can be eaten with low-fat yogurt, Greek yogurt, skim milk. Or to eat with ice cream, healthy recipes will be quite good Or some people may be able to eat it with berries as well.

Caution of granola

Granola is delicious, easy to eat, and rich in nutrients. But there are several precautions as follows

Some brands of granola may contain high amounts of sugar. Not suitable for people with medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood sugar. Or those who are controlling weight When choosing should choose one that has less sugar.

Some brands of granola may be high in fat. As it may contain peanut butter Or vegetable oil Which risks calorie overload in people who are dieting 

People with gluten intolerance may need to be careful. Because some brands of granola that use grains that contain gluten, such as wheat, oats.

People with allergies to certain nuts. Always check the label before purchasing. To see if there is a type of nut that you are allergic to


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