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Research shows that drinking 2 glasses of milk a day may help reduce the risk of "heart disease".

Many people may already know that drinking milk is beneficial for the body. Because milk contains nutrients that are important for the body, such as calcium, to help build strong bones and teeth But this latest research May makes us all love drinking milk even more. This is because studies have shown that drinking two glasses of milk a day may reduce the risk of heart disease. How is drinking milk and heart disease-related? You can find answers in the article Hello Docs brought together.

What research has found about Drinking milk and heart disease

A study from The Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) conducted studies on the link between consuming dairy products and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. By conducting a survey of more than 135,000 people from 21 countries around the world And spent more than 9 years researching 

The research found that eating 2 servings of dairy products a day, such as drinking 2 glasses of milk a day or eating 2 cups of yogurt a day, may reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases compared to the group. Who do not eat milk regularly?
Research shows that drinking 2 glasses

According to the study in the sample Adults who drank two or more glasses of milk a day had a 22% lower risk of developing heart disease, a 34% lower risk of stroke, and a 34% lower risk of dying due to a disease-related 23% less heart

Although the exact cause of the research is still unknown. Why drinking 2 glasses of milk a day can help reduce the risk of heart disease. But scholars believe Because of the dairy products There will be nutrients that are beneficial for heart health, whether it is
Research shows that drinking 2 glasses

Vitamin d
Vitamin K
Various milk fatty acids

Tips for eating milk

The American Heart Association (AHA) has provided the following guidelines for eating dairy products:

Children should eat dairy products. At least 2 cups per day
Adults are advised to eat dairy products. At least 2-3 cups per day
Adolescents and seniors Should eat dairy products. At least 4 cups per day

Although in the guidelines for consumption of dairy products. Maybe advisable to eat products that are low in fat. Or without fat, such as skim milk Or yogurt without fat, However, that research Did not show a difference between eating whole milk and skim milk. With the effect of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, In addition, milk fatty acids may also have properties that can help anti-inflammatory. And help manage the fat in the blood Which are all beneficial for heart health
Research shows that drinking 2 glasses

So it can be said that If we want to drink milk to help prevent heart disease. Then can choose to eat Whole fat milk And that skimmed milk

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